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The benefit of a regular maintenance program is obvious. The Internet and promotion techniques are improving all the time as new ideas, software and systems become available. By updating your site every month, you are assured of always having the benefit of these improvements.

Not everybody is willing to make the commitment to a monthly contract. We suggest that you take advantage of our upgrade service. We will implement all the aspects of the Eight Point Plan with the exception of monthly updates, statistics and ranking reports. Your site will be given a complete overhaul whereby we will check and implement the following:

  1. Title - all search engines rank the title highly, we make sure that yours is correctly worded to ensure optimum visibility
  2. Meta Tags - without these, your site is invisible to a large proportion of search engines. The meta tags should also complement the title and site content
  3. Text - some search engine place more emphasis on the text of the page. Search engines also rank pages more highly if the text contains keywords relevant to the meta tags and title
  4. Alt Tags - a powerful way of increasing the density of keywords in the body of the page
  5. Submissions - we will submit your site to the top 50 search engines
  6. Directories - we will submit your site to the top directories (Yahoo, Open Directory etc) and also to a number free travel directories (tourism related sites)
  7. Statistics - we install a tracking device to monitor the site visitors including such information as: geographical location, keywords used, search engine used to find your site, browser
  8. Ranking Report – we provide you with a report of your position on the top search engines for various keywords and phrases.  

We believe our rates to be among the most competitive on the market. 

The prices listed below are correct for most circumstances but customized plans are also available. Please contact us for more detailed information if you are uncertain. We answer E-mails personally and you are guaranteed of personal service every step of the way.

Maintenance Contracts:

  • Initial consultation and planning process  
  • Web site optimization for search engine positioning  
  • Monthly Submissions of Home Page to the top 50 search engines and directories  
  • Submission of Doorway pages if needed
  • Provide statistics of site visitors  
  • Any fine tuning required to obtain optimum results  

  Maintenance Contract Order Form

Once we have designed your Web Site you may choose to sign up for our maintenance contract.  With this option we will update the information on your site.  There will be an additional charge of $65/hour if you desire a redesign of any pages.


For more information on our services please complete this form or call us at: (636) 916-3888

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